The Weight of Unfinished Business

If you made a list of all of your unfinished business, what would be on it? I’m talking about all of the incompletes you’ve been carrying around; the projects that got halfway done and stalled; the little annoying fixes you never got around to; the great ideas that were never developed; the improvements that were […]

Your Inbox is NOT a To Do List

I’m an in-box zero person and I use Mac Mail. I get squirmy and start hyperventilating when I see Gmail inboxes with many thousands of old emails. That will never be my style. But I’m a firm believer in finding your own way. I know many productive people (well, some) who keep visible all of […]

The End of the Time Management Era

I can’t tell you how many times people have come to me wanting a Time Management System– a program, a book, an app– something to make them get things done and feel in control. The solution they seek is always external, outside of themselves. They hope to fit themselves into a framework that will fix […]